Hard to believe so much time has passed since I last touched base. Guess it's time to play catch up! I had hoped, and still do hope, to make this blog a regular part of my days and add more than just my thoughts. I have so many things like sewing and quilting and decorating ideas that I would love to share. It's just a matter of time management on my part.
First of all, let me say that I adjusted to the whole empty-nest thing way better than I thought I would. Now, one of our fledglings is returning. She has discovered that sharing an apartment with one or more roommates is not her cup of tea. (She takes after her oldest sister in this regard, because it wasn't for her either!) After having that initial taste of freedom that moving out for college affords, she isn't the happiest of campers to come back home. But for now it seems like the best option, it will work out fine, and she will still have the freedom to come and go. She'll just have a little bit longer drive to classes and work. We are also gaining a grandkitty, since she adopted Charlotte from an area pet shelter to keep her company in her last apartment. Should be interesting to see how that goes, since Riley and Dad neither one are thrilled with cats.
After the excitement of moving a daughter back in (?!?), we will be knee deep in the holidays. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It is my favorite holiday, because my family and I have so much to be thankful for. I love having everyone gathered here, and the smells of a good meal in the air. Then, before we know it...CHRISTMAS!
I can't begin to count the number of years I have said I wanted to shop early and be ready early so I could sit back and enjoy the sights, sounds, smells, music, and meaning of the Christmas season. Well, this year I actually am doing it! Sitting in front of me I have stacks of wrapped gifts already, and it feels grand! I am well over half finished and should be done easily before December rolls in.
The trees have shed their leaves, the air has turned quite chilly and winter is just around the corner. When it arrives, in all it's cold and snowy glory, I will become a hermit and hopefully get to the things I want to share on here. In the meantime, as you all prepare for your holiday season, remember to be thankful for all you have, because none of us are guaranteed tomorrow, and we have to make the most of every single day.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Who was it that said change is good??
Well, it has happened. The day has come and we are now officially empty-nesters. And I can honestly say I am not liking it; not even one little bit. It is almost too much to grasp and will take a while to sink in. I need some time to wrap my mind around it and accept the fact that this change will be good for everyone.
I do count my blessings. My girls are close enough that I can still see them as often as I'd like, or at least as often as they can't afford to buy groceries. In fact, they'll be home Friday night...all three of them! I can't wait.
Why is change so hard for us sometimes; especially this one? I wish I had all the answers, but I don't. So, I am determined to get a great big old TO DO list made and start tackling what I want to get done in order to occupy my mind to keep it from having so much time to think. That is when I let myself get sad.
On the list, painting and decorating two empty bedrooms. We finally have room for company to sleep in a bed, but the colors they are painted now might keep you awake. Leave it to teenaged girls to pick lime green and bright royal blue and bright pink with perewinkle! I'm thinking something like a nice, soothing sage green or a toasty wheat shade will be more suitable. Wonder if the "paint and primer in one" you see advertised really works?? We will need something good to cover those walls in under three or four coats! Did I happen to mention that my dear, sweet husband HATES painting? Finding bedding is also on the list; along with some wall decor.
Once that is done, watch out fabric stash! I plan on sewing and quilting up a storm. Sewing has always been my passion; my way to relax and unwind and get away from the every day stresses of being a Mom. I think it will once again come in pretty handy. In fact, I have to whip up a valance for one of the girls new bedrooms this week.
They still need me!! Yay!
I do count my blessings. My girls are close enough that I can still see them as often as I'd like, or at least as often as they can't afford to buy groceries. In fact, they'll be home Friday night...all three of them! I can't wait.
Why is change so hard for us sometimes; especially this one? I wish I had all the answers, but I don't. So, I am determined to get a great big old TO DO list made and start tackling what I want to get done in order to occupy my mind to keep it from having so much time to think. That is when I let myself get sad.
On the list, painting and decorating two empty bedrooms. We finally have room for company to sleep in a bed, but the colors they are painted now might keep you awake. Leave it to teenaged girls to pick lime green and bright royal blue and bright pink with perewinkle! I'm thinking something like a nice, soothing sage green or a toasty wheat shade will be more suitable. Wonder if the "paint and primer in one" you see advertised really works?? We will need something good to cover those walls in under three or four coats! Did I happen to mention that my dear, sweet husband HATES painting? Finding bedding is also on the list; along with some wall decor.
Once that is done, watch out fabric stash! I plan on sewing and quilting up a storm. Sewing has always been my passion; my way to relax and unwind and get away from the every day stresses of being a Mom. I think it will once again come in pretty handy. In fact, I have to whip up a valance for one of the girls new bedrooms this week.
They still need me!! Yay!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Time is Growing Short
As I sit here writing, we are only nine days away from the big day; the day the girls will move out for college. I can hardly believe how quickly the years have gone. I don't think you ever realize it until you have children of your own.
We are about to become empty-nesters. What a major transition in our lives. Sarah was 7 when Tony and I started dating, and 10 when we married. A year later, Katie and Allie joined the family. Now, here we are 18 1/2 years later, about to become a couple, with no kids at home, for the very first time.
I am truly looking forward to the quality time my sweet husband and I will spend together, not that what we had before wasn't. But, there will be fewer interruptions and stress (!!!), less cleaning and picking up, and no need to close the door when we go to bed at night. Maybe I'll finally sign up for some community ed. classes in photography, learn sign language or I could even teach some classes in quilting or sewing!
So much to think about. Because if I think about that, then maybe I won't think so much about the girls leaving in only nine days...
We are about to become empty-nesters. What a major transition in our lives. Sarah was 7 when Tony and I started dating, and 10 when we married. A year later, Katie and Allie joined the family. Now, here we are 18 1/2 years later, about to become a couple, with no kids at home, for the very first time.
I am truly looking forward to the quality time my sweet husband and I will spend together, not that what we had before wasn't. But, there will be fewer interruptions and stress (!!!), less cleaning and picking up, and no need to close the door when we go to bed at night. Maybe I'll finally sign up for some community ed. classes in photography, learn sign language or I could even teach some classes in quilting or sewing!
So much to think about. Because if I think about that, then maybe I won't think so much about the girls leaving in only nine days...
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Life Can Be Bittersweet
No one ever tells you during those euphoric days of new parenthood, just how hard it is going to be some day to see those same children grow up and leave home.
When my oldest daughter graduated from high school I was so sad. So sad in fact that she agreed to give up the fun of dorm life (??) and lived at home all four years as she got her bachelor's degree. Once she got that, she followed the dreams of young love, and moved all the way to San Antonio to attend graduate school and be near "the boy". Not that I was happy to see her go through the end of a relationship, but I was ecstatic when she called saying she wanted to move back and finish her Master's and live in a city not so far away.
Fast forward through the next years as her twin sisters grew, and I never thought I would feel the same when it came time for them to leave. My favorite joke was that when my oldest graduated I said, "No, I don't want you to go away to college. Stay home!" And now, with her younger sisters I'd say, "No, I don't want you to stay home. Go away to college!"
Well, I was wrong. They have graduated high school and will be moving into apartments to go to college in less than two months. Granted they are only going to be about 25 miles away, which is an easily handled distance. But, cutting those ties isn't easy, whether it's 25 miles, or 2500!
So, I am trying to convince myself day after day, that all of the things we tried to teach them over the years will have stuck. Even though we had no signs along the way that it did! I can only hope and pray that they realize the values and morals and beliefs we tried to instill in them were for a reason and that they will pop into mind when faced with the day to day struggles of young adulthood.
They are counting down the days until the big move, when life will become one big party...or so they think. I know they will still need me though. I've already been asked to bring groceries!
Here are my beautiful girls!
When my oldest daughter graduated from high school I was so sad. So sad in fact that she agreed to give up the fun of dorm life (??) and lived at home all four years as she got her bachelor's degree. Once she got that, she followed the dreams of young love, and moved all the way to San Antonio to attend graduate school and be near "the boy". Not that I was happy to see her go through the end of a relationship, but I was ecstatic when she called saying she wanted to move back and finish her Master's and live in a city not so far away.
Fast forward through the next years as her twin sisters grew, and I never thought I would feel the same when it came time for them to leave. My favorite joke was that when my oldest graduated I said, "No, I don't want you to go away to college. Stay home!" And now, with her younger sisters I'd say, "No, I don't want you to stay home. Go away to college!"
Well, I was wrong. They have graduated high school and will be moving into apartments to go to college in less than two months. Granted they are only going to be about 25 miles away, which is an easily handled distance. But, cutting those ties isn't easy, whether it's 25 miles, or 2500!
So, I am trying to convince myself day after day, that all of the things we tried to teach them over the years will have stuck. Even though we had no signs along the way that it did! I can only hope and pray that they realize the values and morals and beliefs we tried to instill in them were for a reason and that they will pop into mind when faced with the day to day struggles of young adulthood.
They are counting down the days until the big move, when life will become one big party...or so they think. I know they will still need me though. I've already been asked to bring groceries!
Here are my beautiful girls!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Dreams Come True...
So, my last post was written on a day when one of my teenagers had exasperated me to the point that I was in tears. All parents have those days, and thankfully we are on to better days now.
This weekend was the BIG high school Variety Show, where the kids in show choirs danced and sang their hearts out for several performances. To say I am proud of my beautiful daughters would be an understatement. Watching them was as much a dream come true for me as it was for them.
My girls have grown up loving to sing. From a very young age they started singing more than talking around the house. As they progressed in school, being in a high school show choir and one day singing their Senior solo on stage at the Variety Show was their goal.
Their dreams came true this past weekend, and they did it in style. Their solos were both beautiful, and they sang Lean On Me as a duet, with about 120 kids backing them up. It was amazing. I somehow managed to keep it together and not breakdown in sobs. I will admit to a quivering lip, deep breathing and very misty eyes though!
Now we are on to an activities recognition night, an Honors banquet, a final choir pops concert and then THE day. Why is it so hard to believe THE day is coming? I have known it would for the past 18 years. THE day I am talking about is their high school graduation, less than a month away. Trust me when I say, I will not manage to keep it together that day. There will be sobs, there will be tears, there will be sadness. But, there will also be joy, and pride at seeing them achieve this milestone in their lives.
I don't even want to think about the day they move to go off to college...
This weekend was the BIG high school Variety Show, where the kids in show choirs danced and sang their hearts out for several performances. To say I am proud of my beautiful daughters would be an understatement. Watching them was as much a dream come true for me as it was for them.
My girls have grown up loving to sing. From a very young age they started singing more than talking around the house. As they progressed in school, being in a high school show choir and one day singing their Senior solo on stage at the Variety Show was their goal.
Their dreams came true this past weekend, and they did it in style. Their solos were both beautiful, and they sang Lean On Me as a duet, with about 120 kids backing them up. It was amazing. I somehow managed to keep it together and not breakdown in sobs. I will admit to a quivering lip, deep breathing and very misty eyes though!
Now we are on to an activities recognition night, an Honors banquet, a final choir pops concert and then THE day. Why is it so hard to believe THE day is coming? I have known it would for the past 18 years. THE day I am talking about is their high school graduation, less than a month away. Trust me when I say, I will not manage to keep it together that day. There will be sobs, there will be tears, there will be sadness. But, there will also be joy, and pride at seeing them achieve this milestone in their lives.
I don't even want to think about the day they move to go off to college...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Picking a Blog Title
I am sure my children will think I chose the title of this blog simply because I am so in love with my little pooch. And yes, that did have a lot to do with it. But, those of you old enough to have absorbed a little info along lifes highway have heard the phrase many times before.
The Life of Riley...
If you google a phrase finder you will find that this phrase has a pretty simple meaning...an easy and pleasant life. Obviously whoever Riley is, had never dealt with teenaged daughters.
I am not quite sure if what I saw this afternoon was a display of dissassociative disorder with an alternate personality manifesting itself, a possession that calls for an exorcism by a priest or a warlock, some form of Tourette's that exhibits bouts of random stupidness coming from the mouth or just a truly ungrateful child who thinks living long enough to turn 18 allows them the freedom to tell us we waste our money on stupid stuff!
Our wasting money has sure given them a beautiful home to live in, food on the table, clothes on their backs, participation in any variety of expensive extra-curricular school activities, a decent vehicle to drive, computers, tv's, gaming systems, cell phones, eating out several times a week, ... need I go on?
Then she decided to be indignant because we make them pay back certain amounts of money we forward them for any variety of things. Or, according to her, that we make her pay for everything. Hmm, too bad they are only weeks from graduation and months from moving off for college or I could show her what it's like to really pay for EVERYTHING!! Then she'd see how good they have had it.
And why is it with some kids it's just never good enough? Why, because we spoiled them and let them get away with their behaviors during those all so important formative years. I knew I should have followed closer to Biblical teaching when it said "spare the rod and spoil the child." Is it too late to start now?
The Life of Riley...
If you google a phrase finder you will find that this phrase has a pretty simple meaning...an easy and pleasant life. Obviously whoever Riley is, had never dealt with teenaged daughters.
I am not quite sure if what I saw this afternoon was a display of dissassociative disorder with an alternate personality manifesting itself, a possession that calls for an exorcism by a priest or a warlock, some form of Tourette's that exhibits bouts of random stupidness coming from the mouth or just a truly ungrateful child who thinks living long enough to turn 18 allows them the freedom to tell us we waste our money on stupid stuff!
Our wasting money has sure given them a beautiful home to live in, food on the table, clothes on their backs, participation in any variety of expensive extra-curricular school activities, a decent vehicle to drive, computers, tv's, gaming systems, cell phones, eating out several times a week, ... need I go on?
Then she decided to be indignant because we make them pay back certain amounts of money we forward them for any variety of things. Or, according to her, that we make her pay for everything. Hmm, too bad they are only weeks from graduation and months from moving off for college or I could show her what it's like to really pay for EVERYTHING!! Then she'd see how good they have had it.
And why is it with some kids it's just never good enough? Why, because we spoiled them and let them get away with their behaviors during those all so important formative years. I knew I should have followed closer to Biblical teaching when it said "spare the rod and spoil the child." Is it too late to start now?
Saturday, March 26, 2011
This is my little Riley!
Since Katie and Allie (our 18 year old twins) will be leaving home for college in a few short months, Riley will be my constant companion and side-kick. He always manages to make me laugh and smile. Somehow I think I'm going to need that when we become empty-nesters. And that is what has led me to start this blog. Well, that and my friend, Friend. She has been urging me for quite some time to "write a book" or "write a blog", because for some reason (??), she finds the daily happenings in my life pretty amusing. OK, I have to admit, I probably have enough material for several seasons of a sitcom. I am certain there will be plenty of new stories to tell, as well as a multitude of topics I can write about from the past. So, bear with me as I learn to navigate the blogosphere and feel free to pass along any comments or suggestions!
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