Blogger Backgrounds

Saturday, March 26, 2011

This is my little Riley!

Since Katie and Allie (our 18 year old twins) will be leaving home for college in a few short months, Riley will be my constant companion and side-kick.  He always manages to make me laugh and smile.  Somehow I think I'm going to need that when we become empty-nesters.  And that is what has led me to start this blog.  Well, that and my friend, Friend.  She has been urging me for quite some time to "write a book" or "write a blog", because for some reason (??), she finds the daily happenings in my life pretty amusing.  OK, I have to admit, I probably have enough material for several seasons of a sitcom. I am certain there will be plenty of new stories to tell, as well as a multitude of topics I can write about from the past.  So, bear with me as I learn to navigate the blogosphere and feel free to pass along any comments or suggestions!
